Nemani Lokolokobuka Valesu
Bula (Greetings) everyone, my name is Nemani Lokolokobuka Valesu. Im from Nausori, Nalawa, Ra, located in the western side of Fiji Island.
During my high school days in the past 2 years at Natabua High School, one of my biggest dream in life is to persue my further studies offshore and also to experience other worlds. Halfway through my study in the Fiji National University in Suva, FERGUSON CONSULTANT GROUP caught my attention while i was going through on social media. Seeing them(FCG) assisting students and making their dreams a reality motivated me to at least give it a try. Later on in the processing of my application, things started to become more real for me as i tried my best to cope up with my case officer completing each and every step in a most possible way. Phoning and emailing keeps me up-to-date all the time.
Therefore, a big Vinaka vakalevu (thanks) to the FCG for giving me a chance to study in New Zealand and to those who would like to study abroad, I recommend that you should contact the FCG.