
During 2020 and 2021 the dreams of coming to Australia for your studies suddenly became a blur of uncertainty. After two long years filled with unpredictability, anger, frustration and at times it was a struggle to see the light at the end of the tunnel during the global pandemic. To say that the COVID-19 pandemic affected our lives is an understatement. In addition to the border closures and government regulations, this has put a significant emotional toll and anxiety in pursuing a new life and studies in Australia. Instead, we feared of making plans especially travel due to the unpredictable [...]


Australia’s Covid19 Vaccine Roll Out


‘We need to make sure that everybody who's on Australian soil is safe, and everybody who's on Australian soil has access to protection’.[1] Federal Minister for Health Greg Hunt informed the public of the government’s aim to ensure that the vaccine program touches as many people as possible, including visa holders in Australia. Jane Malysiak, the first of many to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia. AAP: Joel Carret The Roll Out On Monday 22nd February 2021, COVID-19 vaccinations were accounted to begin in Australia. While vaccines are prioritised for those most at risk, vulnerable and frontline health workers - [...]

Australia’s Covid19 Vaccine Roll Out2021-07-20T02:15:27+00:00

Our Guide To Taking Online English Tests


English Requirements It is a matter of fact that universities across Australia will require an IELTS test. However, some vocational colleges and institutes that offer diploma level courses may require you to take an independent online English Test. While we understand that no one likes tests, these tests are not designed to fail you – they’re designed to gauge whether your English levels are alike to those that will be used to teach you the course that you have selected to undertake. This ensures your success and understanding so you can attain the qualification you desire! We Are Here to [...]

Our Guide To Taking Online English Tests2021-06-25T02:11:29+00:00

Opportunities to boost your skills while studying abroad


Studying abroad can be an amazing way to experience a new culture and create new friends while also being an awesome boost to your resume! It shows that you’re a risk taker who is open to new challenges. Studying Abroad evidences your cross-cultural understanding and shows your eagerness and passion for your chosen field of study. There are many ways that you can further boost your resume while studying abroad such as: Joining Clubs/Committees Clubs are one of the most unique and important aspects of student life and experience. They foster growth, friendship and career development – playing a large [...]

Opportunities to boost your skills while studying abroad2021-06-18T04:22:31+00:00

How to cope with self-isolation amidst the COVID19 outbreak


You land in Australia and you’re ready to explore the land filled with natural wonders, pristine beaches and the world-renowned Outback – filled with towering gumtrees and wildlife that is unlike anything you have ever seen. It feels like the world is your oyster. However, while you are ready to explore, it comes to mind that you have been advised to self-isolate. On the 11th of March COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation. Subsequently, many nations – including Australia - have resorted to tightening their borders and mitigating the spread of the virus. One of these [...]

How to cope with self-isolation amidst the COVID19 outbreak2021-06-10T01:55:23+00:00

How living and studying abroad facilitates professional and personal growth!


On Travel, Tony Wheeler notably said, “All you’ve got to do is decide to go and the hardest part is over”. It is when you have made the decision to pursue new opportunities, discoveries and knowledge through living and studying abroad that the windows of opportunities swiftly open.   While studying abroad in a country such as Australia and New Zealand will look impressive on a resume, the skills and useful abilities that you gain through the experiences are the aspects that truly transform you – both in a professional and personal sense.   Out of the numerous skills and abilities learnt, the [...]

How living and studying abroad facilitates professional and personal growth!2021-06-03T03:28:25+00:00

Accommodation Advice – Australia


For our clients who have their student visa already, or those who like to plan ahead – We have curated a list of our Top 3 Suggestions on how to secure and find accommodation during your studies. Homestay For any person travelling and living abroad, the option of Home Stay sparks a sense of familiarity. This makes sense considering that it is one of the top ways to immerse yourself in the day-to-day living of the people who live in the country or even specified area. Often times, families who provide homestay are not seeking financial gain. Hence, it’s often [...]

Accommodation Advice – Australia2021-05-24T06:43:29+00:00

GAMES – A fun approach to Online Classes!


While for some taking online courses is a choice, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, commencing online study has now become a necessity for others. Often times, this can lead to a lack of motivation. To counter this, we have found a strategy that will allow you to make the most out of the experience. The difference in content and curriculum often stays the same between in-person classes and its online counterpart, with the only differentiating factor being their method of delivery. Despite this, it is safe to say that both induce drastically different and unalike experiences. Initially, reading the [...]

GAMES – A fun approach to Online Classes!2020-04-21T05:43:08+00:00

Career and Education Seminar – Shape Your Future with Ferguson!


Are you looking to take the first steps towards building a successful career? Would you like to study overseas but you don’t know where to start? Attend our free Career and Education Seminars this weekend to learn all you need to know about studying overseas! Ferguson’s free Career and Education Seminars have been designed to help students pursue their dreams of studying overseas. Every student should have access to professional advice and support with their education. Ferguson provides equal opportunities for every student in the South Pacific. Only well-informed students can make the right decisions on their future. Ferguson is [...]

Career and Education Seminar – Shape Your Future with Ferguson!2019-11-20T03:35:59+00:00

How to Find a Part-Time Job in Australia or New Zealand On Student Visa


Looking for work is certainly a challenging and stressful task. It can be even more difficult if you are an international student and applying for your first overseas position. Australia’s job market offers a wide range of opportunities and to become an outstanding applicant you need to follow some simple rules. Read this article to find out how to land your dream job in Australia or New Zealand! 1) Choose the right position Before you start your research and send off your application, consider which position is most suitable to your current experience and qualifications. If you are a high [...]

How to Find a Part-Time Job in Australia or New Zealand On Student Visa2019-11-11T06:43:03+00:00
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